Envirokeeper is a modular precast, reinforced concrete stormwater management system.
Envirokeeper® Stormwater Management Brochure
Envirokeeper® Stormwater Management Single-Sheet Brochure
Modular, precast, reinforced concrete stormwater management system designed for versatility and engineered for use across multiple stormwater applications including detention, infiltration, retention and harvesting.
Durable traffic-loaded design with low-profile and high-profile options.
Maintainable for system longevity.
Tremendous storage in a small footprint with rapid installation.
CXT® Incorporated is a licensee of Envirokeeper, LLC.
Detention: Envirokeeper stormwater detention systems provide solutions for applications where the flow of stormwater needs to be controlled by temporarily detaining it and allowing it to be discharged at a controlled rate. Detention applications prevent drainage system overflows and downstream erosion by collecting large amounts of water during a storm event, then regulating the amount of stormwater allowed to enter a storm drainage system over time after the peak storm event concludes.
Infiltration: Envirokeeper stormwater management modules are the perfect low-impact development solution for applications that require stormwater to be collected during rain events and then allowed to infiltrate back into the soil for groundwater recharge. Modules are available in fully open-bottom low-profile configurations with optional precast footings, as well as taller modules with concrete bottoms that have infiltration openings. Both options are suitable for traffic rated applications.
Retention: Adaptable and expandable, the Envirokeeper system is capable of meeting the needs of any stormwater retention project. Modules, components, and accessories can be set up in endless configurations, meeting the needs of nearly any job site. As a result, Envirokeeper is perfectly suited for situations where stormwater will be stored until the next rain event, or for beneficial use.
Harvesting: Envirokeeper stormwater harvesting systems allow for the collection and retention of stormwater for the purpose of reducing or replacing municipal potable water usage. Harvested stormwater and rainwater is used for a variety of non-potable applications including landscape irrigation, fire suppression systems, toilet flushing, car washes, cooling towers, and other non-potable water needs.
Full Module
For maximum storage in variable heights.
Closed bottom for detention or retention.
Optional floor penetrations for infiltration.
Half Module with Footing
Ideal for lower profile infiltration applications.
Optional footing for rapid installation.
Half Module with Closed Bottom
Ideal for lower profile detention or retention applications.
Module with Span Slab
For maximum storage with less concrete.
Ideal for either open or closed bottom applications.
Innovative corbel design provides for flat top surface.

Features & Benefits
Key Features:
Precast, reinforced concrete system.
Durable contractor-friendly concrete design.
Easily accessible interior.
Modules with heights to 14’ tall.
Open and closed bottom configurations.
Variable heights.
Integral flow diversion weirs within.
Span slab option between modules.
Large open modules don’t rely on backfill for storage.
Includes standard end cap designs.
Key Benefits:
Structurally sound, supports traffic loading.
No fragile cantilever or thin sections subject to cracking.
Maintainable for system longevity.
Tremendous storage in a small footprint.
Usable for detention or infiltration.
Low-profile or max. depth storage.
Eliminates separate structures.
More storage, less modules, with flat top profile.
Rapid installation for large storage capacity.
Assembled into best-fit configurations for each site.
What else is included:
Technical representation provided during installation.
Each project will have complete system drawings that are easily incorporated into project plans.
Adaptable as part of a treatment-train approach to stormwater management.