The ENVIROCAST Wall System delivers the strength and durability of concrete while providing the look and feel of home. Concrete is widely recognized as a superior structural building material having numerous benefits. Envirocast combines the benefits of concrete with the speed of prefabrication to offer the most advanced wall solution available.
Envirocast® Habitat for Humanity Case Study
Envirocast® Disaster Resiliency Brochure
The Envirocast family of walls includes basement/foundation walls and above-grade residential walls for both single-family and multi-family applications, as well as walls for light commercial applications. Envirocast is ideal for cottage-style living and affordable housing.
Envirocast- factory prefabricated wall system

Bucks for Windows & Doors – Every rough opening includes a cast-in buck for efficient window and door installation.
Exterior Finishes – Float, brick stamp, board and batten, and more.
Wall Heights – Typical nominal wall panel heights include 4’-0”, 9’-3 5/8”, 10’-0”, 11’-0”, 12’-0”, 13’-8”, and more.
Delivery and Installation – Our scope includes the critical steps of delivery and installation of the prefabricated wall system, providing a turnkey service for dependability.
Other Features Include:
Cast-in sill plate inserts with bolts are ready to receive sill plates.
Wall penetrations for plumbing, mechanical, electrical available on request.
Integrally cast Brick Ledges (for field installed full brick), and slab support ledges for porches.
Engineered to install on compacted stone or traditional footers.
Can be stacked for multi-story applications.
In addition to basement and above-ground wall applications, other standard uses include crawl spaces and safe rooms.
Envirocast walls are fully insulated and pre-studded providing paint-ready exterior (or other desired finishes) and electrical rough-in ready interior.
Expedited timeline of construction
Prefabricated walls are typically set within one day per floor for a single-family home including paint ready exterior and studded interior. Envirocast replaces the lengthy construction steps typical with poured concrete, CMU block, and wood frame walls.
No added insulation for exterior walls
Fully insulated walls to a system U=0.057, cavity R=25 with further upgrades available.
Ready for interior electrical rough-in and drywall
Integral pre-studded interior wall face is ready for finishing.
Downsized mechanical equipment
Walls with U=0.057, continuous insulation, and a tighter house means less work and potential downsizing for mechanical equipment.
Waste cleanup and haul reduction
Significant reduction in site waste cleanup and piles for disposal associated with exterior walls.
Simplified electrical
No punching into CMU to install receptacles. Integral metal studs are pre-punched to receive electrical.
Consistency of supply
Made in advance and available when your site is ready.
Pre-inspected and factory quality from an NPCA certified facility.
Contribution to Energy Star
Significantly improved thermal properties, continuous insulation, and a tighter house when constructed with Envirocast can assist with achieving Energy Star ratings.
2-hour fire rating for townhome and multi-family separation walls
A simple solution to provide fire separation walls between units.
Lifecycle energy cost reduction for home heating and cooling
Cellulose elimination for exterior walls for everything but window bucks
Solid concrete is a better choice for areas affected by severe weather events
Insurance savings (typical) vs wood frame construction
Improved interior air quality
Noise reduction
CXT® Incorporated is a licensee of Envirocast, LLC.
Single Family Residential - Basements/Foundations
Single Family Residential - Single-Story Above Grade
Single Family Residential - Multistory Above Grade
Townhome and Multifamily Residential
Light Commercial
Speed of Installation
Build Faster, Sell Faster– Due to shortages of onsite trade labor, the residential housing industry is unable to keep up with the demand for rapid home construction. Factory prefabrication greatly increases the speed of residential home construction and shortens the time to occupancy. Rapid construction speed makes the Envirocast wall system the ideal choice for builders and developers who need to build faster, get homes to market sooner, and reduce costs associated with jobsite duration. Exterior walls for a small single-family home can be installed in hours vs days, including integral insulation and studs for maximum efficiency.
Time Matters– When time is a priority and quality is a requirement, builders turn to Envirocast wall systems, engineered and designed to increase speed of construction. Flexible designs are highly adaptable and can be easily sized to meet specific project requirements.
Trade Consolidation through Prefabrication
Trade Consolidation - Envirocast walls combine the work of multiple trades through factory prefabrication, eliminating costly time from the onsite construction schedule as well as the delays often resulting from interdependent trades. Same day wall installation requires no long-term site space and due to prefabrication, waste cleanup and haul associated with exterior walls is virtually eliminated.
Multi-Trade and Site Challenges – conventional construction techniques require multiple trades and numerous process steps that are interdependent and time consuming. In addition, jobsite conditions can vary from day to day, negatively impacting the build schedule. Envirocast streamlines and simplifies residential construction.

Strength, Quality, Compliance, and Sustainability
Strength and Durability
The strength, durability, and fire resistance of concrete makes Envirocast the ideal wall solution in areas affected by severe weather events, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, or wildfires.
Consistent Quality
Envirocast walls are manufactured in factory-controlled conditions to the rigid standards of the CXT quality control program allowing for inspection before delivery to your jobsite. Plant controlled conditions allow for tighter tolerances and sharper, cleaner edges.
Envirocast wall systems comply with state, local, and national building codes, as well as the latest energy codes.
Envirocast will make significant contributions to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and Home Energy Rating System (HERS) standards and complies with the latest green building practices. Thermal properties, continuous insulation, and tighter building envelope provided by Envirocast will typically reduce the HERS Index, improve the Blower Door Tests, and require no additional insulation to meet Energy Star when compared to some conventional homebuilding practices.
In addition, Envirocast incorporates recycled materials, and up to 95 percent of Envirocast materials are reclaimable and can be recycled into new structures. Envirocast is designed and engineered to be the future of green building.
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