L.B. Foster’s Field Application team can provide detailed scientific measurements to assess the severity of wheel/rail interface issues and the benefits provided by friction management solutions.
Validation can include quantifying and measuring the benefits of a specific friction management product, compare the effectiveness of different friction management products, or optimize application rates and unit spacing.
Benefits can be validated both in the short term and long term:
Short Term Benefit Validation
Noise mitigation
Gauge face grease carry-down and coverage
Friction levels
Lateral force reduction
Fuel savings
Long Term Benefit Validation
Rail and wheel wear rates
Corrugation growth rates
RCF abatement
Friction Management program effectiveness
The measurement and validation of friction management benefits is critical to quantifying the performance of and optimizing a railroad’s Friction Management program. L.B. Foster's team of knowledgeable and experienced Field Application Technicians are there to work with every customer to support them in achieving the goals of their friction management programs.

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