L.B. Foster Transit Products has been providing solutions for restraining rail applications since the early 1908's.
The additional trackload clearance demanded by traditional ballasted track construction can be virtually eliminated through the use of direct fixation rail fasteners. With an average height from rail seat to concrete deck of 1 1/2" to 2", direct fixation fasteners are an ideal alternative whenever height clearances are restricted.
By eliminating the need for sub-ballast, ballast and ties, our direct fixation fasteners dramatically reduce the track structure height. Also, the lighter system weight allows for more economically designed supporting structures. Less weight means less costs, a savings felt directly at the bottom line.
Accommodating today's demands for double-stack cars presents many railroads with clearance challenges at existing structures. Retrofitting existing tunnels for additional clearance can be simplified and economized through the use of L.B. Foster Company direct fixation fasteners.
Product Benefits
High or low longitudinal restraint to accommodate various system requirements
High or low lateral and vertical spring rate characteristics to meet noise/vibration requirements for either heavy or light vehicle systems
Rigid, resilient or captive spring clip design to attach the rail to the fastener body
Direct installation capability to concrete slab, wood ties or steel ties
Outstanding electrical isolation for protection of stray current flow

Cut Sheet
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