L.B. Foster partners with American Steel Pipe to provide customers the convenience and cost savings of receiving manufactured and coated steel line pipe from a single location in Birmingham, AL.
We have the capability to coat the OD of 12”-24” pipe with FBE, ARO, and MRO powder and coat the ID of 20”-24” with liquid flowliner.
Product benefits
30 plus years of corrosion protection for underground pipe inside and outside
High Adhesion strength
Good chemical resistance
Impact Resistance

Our plant is ISO 9001:2008 registered and assures quality in its application of corrosion protection to steel line pipe. We offer fusion-bonded epoxy coatings for the interior and exterior of steel pipe for oil and gas markets.
Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE)
L.B. Foster applies Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coatings that exceed all industry pipe coating standards. This protective coating is a one-part, heat curable, thermosetting epoxy powder designed for corrosion protection of pipe. FBE coated pipe is in service worldwide.
Abrasion Resistant Overcoating (ARO)
L.B. Foster can provide additional protection to FBE coated pipe with the application of Abrasion Resistant Overcoating (ARO). This durable 2-Layer system is ideal for tough installations, such as directional drilling and exposed river crossings.
Internal Lining (ID) Specialty Coatings
ID Pipeline Flowliner is a field-proven internal lining that increases the efficiency of flow over long stretches of oil and gas lines. This durable lining also provides an excellent anti-corrosion protection on pipe while both in storage and during installation.
Ordering and More Information
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